When the proper sample size is selected, X-bar charts will detect process shifts (that have practical significance) in a timely manner. Part II on X-bar Charts.
How Should the Sample Size be Selected for an X-bar Chart? (Part I)
X-bar charts are superior at detecting process shifts, and the sample size is a crucial element in ensuring that appropriate chart signals are produced.
How do I Choose the Appropriate Type of Control Chart?
Control chart selection is critical to realizing the benefits of Statistical Process Control. Many factors should be considered when choosing a control chart.
What is the Relationship between Process Stability and Process Capability?
The concepts behind process stability and process capability and the relationship between them are misunderstood. This article attempts to clarify both ideas.
How do I Know What Product or Process Characteristics to Control?
The construction of control charts is relatively straight-forward, but often the difficult question is “how do I know what process characteristics to control?”
10 Keys for Maximizing the Benefits of your SPC Program
How to achieve maximum utility? Statistical Process Control programs can minimize production costs, optimize product quality and significantly reduce risk.
What is the Philosophy of Process Control (Rather than Product Control)?
Major key elements of Process Control. Process Control is proactive rather than reactive. Quality is ensuring that our products meet customer specifications.
Analyzing the Experiment (Part VI)
We look at uncertainty in predictions and discuss model validation to ensure that technical assumptions that are inherent in the modeling process is satisfied.
Analyzing the Experiment (Part V)
We explore the use of contour plots and other tools to quickly find solutions to our models. We revisit the battery life DOE example, we previous discussed.