
Staff Members

Our team possesses extensive practical experience and academic credentials. All of our staff members have at least Engineering degrees and Masters in Statistics degrees from top-ranked universities and most have Ph.D.s in quantitative methods. Additionally, we have extensive experience working in design and manufacturing environments and abundant experience in solving complex manufacturing and engineering problems. Finally, our seminar instructors possess superior communication skills and excel at conveying technical information to non-statisticians.

Allise Wachs, Ph.D.

Allise WachsDr. Wachs has 20 years of experience in the application of statistical methods to optimize product designs and manufacturing processes—and to assess product liability risk. Her research includes the development of mathematical models to reveal optimal decision sequences. She is the President of Integral Concepts, Inc. where she assists engineers and scientists in the application of statistical and optimization methods to reduce the time and cost to develop new products. She also helps to resolve complex engineering and manufacturing problems quickly and thoroughly.

Her areas of expertise include designed experimentation, reliability analysis, general statistical methods, statistical process control, measurement system assessment, and stochastic optimization. She has been an adjunct professor in the College of Engineering at the University of Michigan, and she provides expert testimony in product liability litigation.

Credentials and Professional Honors

  • Ph.D., Operations Research, University of Michigan , 1998
  • M.S., Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan , 1993
  • M.A., Statistics, University of Michigan , 1987
  • B.S., Mathematics, Statistics, University of Michigan , 1986
  • Graduate Program in Statistics, University of Chicago, 1989-1991

Steven Wachs

Steven WachsSteven Wachs has 20 years of wide-ranging industry experience in both technical and management positions. Steve has worked as a statistician at Ford Motor Company where he has extensive experience in the development of statistical models, reliability analysis, designed experimentation, and statistical process control.

Steve is currently a Principal Statistician at Integral Concepts, Inc. where he assists manufacturers in the application of statistical methods to reduce variation and improve quality and productivity. He also possesses expertise in the application of reliability methods to achieve robust and reliable products as well as estimate and reduce warranty. Steve regularly speaks at industry conferences and provides workshops in industrial statistical methods worldwide.

Credentials and Professional Honors

  • M.A., Applied Statistics, University of Michigan, 2002
  • M.B.A, Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh, 1992
  • B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, 1986
  • Summa Cum Laude, University of Michigan, 1986
  • Tau Beta Pi – National Engineering Honor Society, 1986
  • Associates Fellowship and Highest Honors, University of Pittsburgh 1992
  • Six Sigma Blackbelt Certification, Ford Motor Company 2001
  • Ford Education Fellowship, 2001

Edward Rothman, Ph.D.

Edward RothmanDr. Edward Rothman is a Professor of Statistics and Director of the Center for Statistical Consultation and Research (CSCAR) at The University of Michigan. As a consultant, he specializes in statistical studies involving allegations of employment discrimination, product liability, and contract violations. He has been active in research with over 50 scientific publications and two textbooks. This research spans economics, physics, physiology, genetics, geology, geography, and statistical theory. Dr. Rothman has also been active as a system consultant.

Dr. Rothman assists corporations on the improvement of quality. His work with quality began through an association with W. Edwards Deming in 1980. Dr. Rothman has been helpful in the implementation of processes to improve systems in both manufacturing and service sectors. This work includes strategic and tactical planning, the construction of measurement systems, work planning for individuals and groups, realignment of resources, human capital development, and assistance with the building of a learning organization.

Credentials and Professional Honors

  • Ph.D., Statistics, Johns Hopkins University , 1969
  • B.Sc., Mathematics, McGill University , with first class honors, 1965

Jeffrey M. Alden, Ph.D.

Jeffrey AldenDr. Jeff Alden has 30 years experience as an operations research professional. His strengths are in problem formulation, math modeling, stochastic processes, optimization and collaboration. He has extensive analysis experience at GM with quality (warranty, new technology), production throughput, plant maintenance, product development, inventory control, scheduling, capacity planning, testing, and renewable energy. He also worked at Vector Research evaluating weapon systems and at AT&T sizing telecommunication networks. Occasionally, he teaches at the University of Michigan.

Dr. Alden is a Franz Edelman Laureate and he won (as a team) the 2005 INFORMS Franz Edelman Award for outstanding and impactful application of operations research in practice. He has published over 10 papers in operations research, holds 3 patents (3 more pending), 6 trade-secrets and numerous GM awards. He is an experienced project manager, programmer (mostly VBA), and an expert in developing and using influence diagrams to enable cross functional collaboration in systems modeling.

Credentials and Academic Honors

  • Ph.D. in Operations Research (1987) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; 3.97 GPA
  • M.S. in Operations Research (1981) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  • A.B. in Mathematics and Physics (1978) Albion College, Albion, Michigan; 3.82 GPA
  • DeVlieg Scholarship (1985) University of Michigan, Ph.D. related to manufacturing
  • Benton Fellow (1984) University of Michigan, high potential IOE Ph.D. student
  • Suma Cum Laude (1978) Albion College
  • Departmental Honors in Physics (1978) Albion College top physics graduate
  • E.R. Sleight Prize in Mathematics (1978) Albion College top mathematics graduate
  • E.T.S. Walton Award (1978) Albion College outstanding physics student
  • Phi Beta Kappa (1977)

Professional Honors

  • Chairman of 2008 Edelman Gala Organizing Committee
  • Franz Edelman Laureate and Award winner (2005) “Increasing Throughput at General Motors”
  • Member of INFORMS since 1985
  • Industrial – General Motors
  • Boss Kettering Award (2005) “Throughput Analysis” outstanding invention with impact
  • Chairman’s Honor Award (2004) “Throughput Analysis” outstanding team accomplishment
  • 3 Patents and 3 patents pending
  • 6 Trade Secrets